The Little Chapel of Our Holy Motherboard
“The Little Chapel of Our Holy Motherboard,” by artists Kendra and Heather Fleischman, is a mixed media art installation at Denver Theatre District’s Understudy; it grounds today’s obsession with digital devices as a tongue-in-cheek allegory of the divine. Worshipers may sit on benches and look through prayer books where they will find QR codes that link to the all mighty Internet’s inspirational messages, affirmations, and commandments. Eight digitally composed, screen-based inspirations offer eye-popping reflections on manifestations such as “The Adoration of the MacBook” or “The Ascension of the Drones.”
“The Little Chapel of Our Holy Motherboard” is presented in association with Denver Digerati, dedicated to advances in digital animation as the next level of public art, and founders of Denver’s annual Supernova Outdoor Digital Animation Festival.
WHEN: March 3 through March 30. Opening reception is Saturday, March 10 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. For up-to-date open studio hours, visit the Understudy Facebook page or the Denver Digerati website.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Kendra and Heather Fleischman are an award-winning dynamic duo that have worked together on video installations, animations, and films over the past nine years. This mother and daughter team are native to Colorado and have worked and lived in the Denver area for their entire lives. They share a love of animation, art and surreal films. For the Understudy full media kit, including more information on both artists, images and additional programming information, please visit
Understudy is located at the Colorado Convention Center / Theatre District light rail stop near 14th and Stout. Look for the B-Cycle station next to the light rail tracks or Shantell Martin’s art bench.