A Constellation of Happiness
A Constellation Of Happiness
June 3rd – June 26th
“A Constellation of Happiness is the simple concept of creating something that will make you smile. I created multiple mobile sculptures full of colors reminiscent of childhood. Each sculpture displays an array of my original art and reflections of mirrors. The stickers placed on the gallery walls can also be seen on the mobile sculptures. The kaleidoscope video displays the art in a different form. Everything in the space is connected either by reflection, shape, color, or design. The bright vibrant colors can be seen in every aspect of the installation. The mirrors reflect off of all surfaces in the space, we even see our own reflection. When you see your self, how do you feel? So many different ideas and thoughts consume my mind as these sculptures were being built , but always in the end was a feeling of happiness. I know what my feelings are, but I’m always interested in how my art makes other people feel. Sometimes there are underlying truths that I didn’t know.” – Heather Butler
Heather Butler is an artisan who works with mixed media. Her work involves special techniques, photography, paper collage, acrylic, ink and oil. By using popular themes such as relaxation, meditation, reflection and introspection, Heather uses a visual vocabulary that fixates on many levels of motion and tranquility. The design incorporates space and territory – a whimsical and experimental universe that emerges bit by bit.
Her artworks bear significant relation to the premise that on the earth a precise circle doesn’t exist. By pursuing the interpretation of flow, she finds that movement illustrates a genuine bewilderment, a humour that exemplifies our own passion to be in an infinite space of serenity. The artisan also considers change as an illustration for the endless-searching adventure for utopia. You will recognize several recurring subject matters such as the relationship with repetition, and the examination of the altering of intentions. Her work breaks up the flows of individuals and/or elements. By doing so, it achieves new designs which reveal an indivisible relationship between motion and infinity.
Heather received her Bachelor degree in Fine Art, Concentration in Photography, Minor in Art History at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. She studied under the guidance of Anna Kaye and Natasha Seideneck. Rex Ray is a primary influencer of her works.
Heather Butler recently relocated to Georgia and is still working out of Denver, Colorado.
Website & Social Media:
Website: www.Heatherbutler.art
TikTok @Tecnicolorgirl303
Public hours:
Thursdays through Sundays, 12:00pm – 6:00pm
Opening Celebration June 3rd, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Closing Reception June 26th, 6:00pm – 9:00pm (closed on June 26th from 12:00pm – 6:00pm)
The artist will be present on opening night and at the closing reception
Understudy is free-to-visit and open to all. We are located at the Colorado Convention Center / Theatre District light rail stop near 14th and Stout. Look for the Shantell Martin art bench.