Ryan Ortgiesen
http://ryanort.comWindows of Whimsy explores the interplay between reality and imagination by
compositing fantastical, animated creatures into live-action footage. Using the
buildings structure as an active participant in the narrative, a one eyed snake
breaks through the windows initiating a psychedelic journey where we encounter the shape-shifting fish of the fjords, UFO’s, and elves cooling-off on a hot summer day. This piece reminds us that our imagination is the only limit to what’s through the next window.
Produced by RW Media.
About the Artist:
Ryan is a video creative, woodworker, and avid adventurer. Grappling with a
perpetual curiosity and possible undiagnosed ADD, Ryan is constantly
experimenting with various art forms to a varying degree of success. His work
often contains themes of humor and self-deprecation.