Matthew Weedman
Ball Describing a Tower
August 2023

Ball Describing a Tower is part of Monumomentum: A TAD Project.

Monumomentum: Scale shifts in space/time.

Curator Statement: With Monumomentum, we play with scale shifts in size, distance, duration, and perspective in ways that rethink routine experiences and the everyday.

TAD stands for Temporary Alternative Duty (often used in reference to labor), but also an acronym for Toby And Don, the two curators behind TAD Projects: Tobias Fike and Donald Fodness. Formed in 2022, to generate exhibitions and art related experiences. With a DIY spirit and desire to experiment curatorially, TAD sets out to strengthen, bridge and build community through art. We emphasize the alternative.

Artist Bio:

Matthew Weedman is an Image, Sound, Sculpture and Performance Artist in Indiana where he is an Associate Professor of Art at Wabash College.  Matthew’s work invokes the anthropology of gender, progress, domesticity, consumerism and phenomenology.  The work seeks to rest between criticism and empathy exposing simple yet overlooked crises of wonder.