Marcella Driver-Moliner
Gone to Swim
September 2023

Gone to Swim celebrates Denver Digerati's eighth anniversary of curating explorative animation. This 3D computer-generated animation honors its’ legacy by reminding us to embrace the present moment and the natural environment surrounding us. This piece draws inspiration from the meandering banks of Cherry Creek and the South Platte River that runs through the heart of Denver's landscape. The two fantastical critters basking in the water remind us to relish in the natural splendors that enrich our lives—inviting us to immerse ourselves in the passing moment.

This artwork is curated and part of the Digerati Emergent Media Festival - Welcome to the Here and Now 2023

About the Artist

Marcella Driver-Moliner is a bilingual Toronto Based experimental animator from the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Moliner uses 3D illustrative software, photogrammetry, illustration, animation and mark-making to explore unconventional aesthetics to explore and visualize their Non-Verbal Learning Disability (NVLD). Following a technical degree in Graphic Design at Dawson College in Montreal, Moliner completed a BFA in Integrated Media: Expanded Animation and won the program medal for their Capstone project H.O.M.E. (Hoarding Old Memory Eggs), at OCAD University. Since then, Moliner has been showcased in festivals in London U.K., Denver, CO, Toronto, ON and Santa Fe, NM. In addition, they have participated in group shows, theatrical performances, led blender and motion capture workshops and aided in digital fabrication for projects.